SD8 Completes Five-Year Strategic Plan and 2023-2024 Budget
– Robust public participation and balanced budget
School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) has completed its new strategic plan which is a high-level roadmap for the district for the next five years. The SD8 Board of Education approved the plan on May 9 along with the 2023-2024 school budget that focuses on funding the priorities established in the plan.
Priorities in the strategic plan include developing lifelong and connected learners, a caring and inclusive learning culture, and supporting each student’s culture and identity and career options. The plan reflects the Ministry of Education and Child Care curriculum requirements of literacy, numeracy, and human and social development and calls to action in the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People that apply to each school district in B.C.
“I am very appreciative of the nearly 700 people who took the time to attend community meetings, participate online and show their commitment to educating children. What we heard is pivotal to our board understanding the priorities of each person with a stake in K-12 education in our district. I’m humbled by the participation I witnessed and proud to share our new plan publicly this week,” said Board Chair Lenora Trenaman.
“Over the past four months we received 1882 ideas that formed the basis for our five strategic priorities. We heard from our trustees, staff, students, families, our Indigenous partners, education partners as well as from the broader community. Added to that, we received a raft of ideas about our budget, facilities, buses, staffing and educational initiatives that we applied to our new budget and will apply to operational plans going forward. All I can say is thank you – I’m grateful to those who participated in the process and took the time to share their thoughts and hopes for our school district,” said Superintendent Trish Smillie.
The new strategic plan comes into effect on July 1, the same day as the district’s $81.6 million annual budget for the 2023-2024 school year. School districts are required by law to deliver a balanced budget each year.
About School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake): SD8 provides educational services to numerous diverse communities in the East & West Kootenays, including Crawford Bay, Creston, Kaslo, Meadow Creek, Nelson, Salmo, Slocan, South Slocan, Winlaw, Wynndel and Yahk. Its dedicated team focuses on providing the best possible educational opportunities for 4,800 students and their families. Its mission is to inspire and support each learner to thrive in a caring learning environment.